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Top 100 AI Tools

Explore our comprehensive white paper on the best AI tools available on the market. Download now for free to find out how these tools can improve your business performance.

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By completing this ebook, you will :

  • Understand the AI tools available in different categories such as writing, image generation, text-to-speech, software development, Chrome extensions, design, data analysis, note-taking, video editing and more.
  • Discover concrete use cases for each tool, to better understand how to integrate them into your daily work.
  • Discover new tools and technologies emerging in the field of AI and stay up to date on the latest advances.
  • Stimulate your creativity and capacity for innovation by exploring the possibilities offered by AI tools in your work.

AI tools for every need

Immerse yourself in this comprehensive and regularly updated collection. You'll find the tools best suited to your specific needs.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • Why do I need to fill in the form ?

    We will always ensure the security of your personal information.
    We are asking for your information in exchange for a valuable resource to help us (a) improve your browsing experience by customizing the AI Crafters site to your needs; (b) send you information that may be of interest to you by e-mail or other means; (c) send you marketing communications that we believe will be of value to you. Find out more about our privacy policyhere.

  • Is it really free?

    We're simply sharing free knowledge that we hope you'll find useful. Think of us the next time you have a question about artificial intelligence!

  • In what format is the book "Top 100 AI Tools" available?

    The book "Top 100 AI Tools" is available in PDF format. Once you've downloaded the book, you can open and read it on any PDF-compatible device, such as your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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